Hallo everybody! This is my very first photography blog post! You know I love my job as a photographer!
It’s very joyful to split my photography work with you. Since I’m 10 years old my aim was to become
a very good photographer! For me, there was nothing else to do. Nothing else what I really want to
do! I’m very thankful that this old dream has become real, you can’t imagine! It’s perfect. I have to
thank my beloved mother, who always supported me! Sadly she left us for ever, much too early. She
was one of the strongest individual I’ve ever know. She gave me and my siblings so much love and
we have to thank her. Mommy, we love and miss you very much! For ever in our hearts. Well, these
photographs I’ve took some months ago. Christina (not me, the model) is so beautiful! I think she
looks very Mediterranean but she is German. Doesn’t she looks endless beautiful? I think so!
Enjoy the pictures now. Love, Christina Key from CHRISTINA KEYS BLOG